Dust Collector

Product Code: laser0001
Availability: In Stock

➤Air Treatment and Noise Management

➤Dust is easily processed thanks to a polyester 5-layer High Performance pre-filter

➤Clean air outflow is ensured by a High Performance filter and a final HEPA filter. Maximum filtration rate of 99.97% for particulates ≥ 0.3µ.

➤Elimination of dust in suspension before breaking up in the air.

➤These units are simple to operate and their filters are easy to replace.

➤Possible saving of precious particulates (gold, silver, platinum....).

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➤Low pressure compact dust collector CKU SERIES

➤Low pressure compact dust collector SK SERIES

➤High pressure compact dust collector CBA SERIES

➤Dust Collectors for lasers

➤Air purifier JB SERIES

➤High pressure compact dust collector CVA SERIES


➤Vacuum cleaner for a clean environment

➤Spare parts